EsterbauerWetterstein Süd, Kletterführer alpin
Topic of interest
Hiking/ Trekking
number of pages
DE - Germany
local region
Saxon Schweiz
<p>The Elbe Sandstone Mountains, with their bizarre rock formations, fantastic viewpoints and gorge-like valleys, stretch north and south of the Elbe on the border between Germany and the Czech Republic. While <em class="element-background-basic-colors marker" data-color="gelb-light">mountain massifs</em> are waiting to be explored on the right bank of the Elbe, it is mainly the individual table mountains in the "area of stones" on the left bank that entice walkers to climb them.</p>
<p>The list of well-known peaks and sights is almost endless: The Bastei with the Rathen rock castle, the striking Lilienstein, the Königstein with its imposing fortress, the unique Schrammstein view, the Kuhstall, the lovely Polenztal or the wild Kirnitzschtal, the impressive Prebischtor, the Edmundsklamm or the Rudolfstein in Bohemian Switzerland, the Bielatal with the Wilhelminenfeste and the Johanniswacht, the Labyrinth, the Papststein and Gohrischstein table mountains, etc. Head off on a hiking vacation in Saxon Switzerland - there is so much to discover!</p>
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